jueves, mayo 14, 2009

en mi

¨...no pienso en ella. nunca lo he hecho. nunca he tenido remordimientos. de todas formas ella estaba completamente consciente de que le estaba haciendo daño, lo sabía y jamás pudo razonar. además, era demasiada mi ira. no había sitio en mi para sentir algo por ella...¨

* Source. Candice Skrapec. 2002. Conversaciones con asesinos seriales.

miércoles, mayo 06, 2009

sex has no explanation

A. You can't explain it all, you understand?
P. Sure, it's not rational.
A. Paranoiacs need everything explained.
Some things can't be explained. It's like talk, talk, talk.
Sometimes... you fuck, and after, everything's all right,
I don't know why. The Body talks.

Ps. Definitively, the body talks better than our brain. U r simply fantastic.

* Irréversible 2002.

domingo, mayo 03, 2009

S. -Woooow!, you made it!, you are here, you came!-
H. -Yes, how wouldn't I?-
S. -Didn't you say it was impossible?-
H. -Didn't you say it was important?-

* Devil's advocate (1997)