domingo, agosto 30, 2009

between the distrust & the inevitable doubt to let oneself go into the madness that comes by & although there's always the "dubai" issue, we belong

C. "-...look, i know who you are, & i love you anyways...-" & they stay still looking at each other, so in love. then she interrupts: "-ok, look, what about this ...ahhhmm... on the count of three, whatever we've got, let's just put it on the table, one time, last time...-" & suddenly he interrupts her:
R. "-i have it-"
C. "-i said on the count of three-"
R. "-i have it. why wait? what's the point? i love you-" & she looks at him with tenderness: "-i think about you all the time. i think about you even when you're with me. i look at you , i can't stop looking at you. i look at you and i think: that woman, that woman knows who i am and loves me anyway...-"

so, this is our story, i put & give you my life on the table, with faith & devotion for it's all i got to offer to you & i take yours instead.

don't you realize how much i belong to you?, we belong.


*source: duplicity 2009.

jueves, agosto 27, 2009

porque tu, solo tu

de Raffaello Sanzio (Rafael) a Baldassare Castiglione:
"...entre las mujeres las bellezas son tan poco comunes, que utilizo una idea salida de mi imaginación..."
en la mia imaginacion, la única materialización del concepto de belleza, eres tu, cariño mio.


*source: louvre de bolsillo.

jueves, agosto 20, 2009

de equidad de genero, platicas con mama y otras cosas

esta tarde en voz de una entrenadora de box a traves de las noticias, se escucho:
"...ya paso el momento en el que las mujeres perteneciamos solo a la cocina, debemos enfrentarlo..."
y a esto mi madre brincó:
M. -pues hasta donde yo entiendo no somos sartenes o estropajos para lavar los platos!-