miércoles, octubre 26, 2011

en un segundo i en un parpadeo...

todo pasa cuando & donde menos te lo esperas... la vida te cambia en un segundo:

C.-so, how was it, how was your 'date'?-
L.-u know, i've been sitting here all day staring at the window trying to figure out what went on last night...-
C.-u've lost me...-
L.-see, cassey?, the other woman?, frank's blind date?, got completely under my skin-
C.-u mean, in a bad, annoying, irritating kind of way, right?-
L.-no, i mean she's one of the smartiest, funniest, most attractive people i've met in a long time...-
C.-no! no, no, that's not what you mean, i mean, maybe she's smart & funny, but attractive? no! that's not what women are to other women! you are mixing your metaphores here!-
L.-no i'm not, this is as clear as day to me wich is why i'm so confuse, but, i was attracted to her, not bob, i wanted to be on a date with her, not bob-
C.-christ! you were drunk!, i mean you weren't in your right mind, you are not in your right mind!, i mean jesus christ! lauren that would make you gay & you are not gay!!!!-
L.-how do you know?, i mean, i don't know, what if? [...] i've never been attracted to a woman before in my entire life!-

*source: a.girl.thing 2001.

miércoles, mayo 25, 2011

the better way to die

D.- […] What do you think the worst way to die would be? I think getting eaten by a shark would be the worst way to go. Not if it was like one of those surfers where they get hit from behind and they don't even know what happened. You know. Cause it like came up from beneath them. Like on the Jaws poster.
L.-The chick on the Jaws poster was hot.
P.- She was?
L.- I don't know. She was naked. Naked chicks are hot.
D.- But if you actually like saw the fin coming for you in the water. That would be worse than actually getting eaten. Knowing that this animal is coming for you but you can't get away. And that it's going to eat you. Like you're gonna get eaten alive? Have you guys ever seen that footage of the great white jumping out of the water to eat that seal?
L.- That's why I only swim in pools.
P.- I think burning to death would be the worst.
L.- Well yes and no. Because most people die of the smoke inhalation before any fire even hits them.
P.- I remember watching TV for like 3 days straight after 9/11. That footage that they kept showing of all of those people leaping off of the top of the Trade Center? Can you imagine how bad it was inside to know that jumping was a better way out?
L.- But they say that when you jump from that high up your heart stops before you hit the ground and you don't even feel it.
P.- OK, then Lynch. What is the worst way to die?
L.- What?
P.- No, you have an answer for everything. What's your biggest fear? Lynch has been waiting for this.
L.- Easy. The Sarlaac pit.
P.- The what?
L.- The Sarlaac pit. From Return of the Jedi? Hel-lo...being slowly digested over 1,000 years? Worst. Death. Ever.
D.- "I don't know why I never have a girlfriend, you guys!"

*source: FROZEN (2010).

domingo, enero 02, 2011

the beauty of mathematics

AS.- "[...] where is the beauty & harmony in cancer? what makes a cell suddenly decide to turn itself into a killer metastasis and destroy the rest of the cells in a healthy body?"
we are comfortable thinking in life as a matter of destiny, logic, than coincidence, just as an 8 comes the nine, but this is beyond the "truth".

*source. the oxford murders, 2008.

sábado, enero 01, 2011

"it's hard to believe people when they say 'i know how you feel', but i actually know how you feel"

I.-[...] i understand feeling as small & insignificant as humanly possible, & how it can actually ache in places that you didn't know you had inside you, & it doesn't matter how many new haircuts you get or gyms you join or how many glasses of chardonnay you drink with your girlfriends, you still go to bed every night going over every detail, & wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood. And how in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy, & sometimes you can even convince yourself that "he'll" see the light and show up at your door. And after all that, however long all that may be, you'll go somewhere new, & you'll met people who make you feel worthwhile again, & little pieces of your soul will finally come back, & all that fuzzy stuff, those years of your life that you wasted, that will eventually begin to fade-
M.- well fuck, you need this more than i do (& gives her a glass of vodka).

*source: the holiday, 2007.