viernes, septiembre 26, 2008
the game
domingo, septiembre 21, 2008
the third miracle
sábado, septiembre 20, 2008
viernes, septiembre 19, 2008
entre defectos y virtudes
jueves, septiembre 18, 2008
you are what you love
miércoles, septiembre 17, 2008
My ghost orchid
After the insect flies off, it spots another soul-mate flower and makes love to it, thus pollinating it. And neither the flower nor the insect will ever understand the significance of their lovemaking. How could they know that because of their little dance, the world lives?. But it does. By simply doing what they’re designed to do something large and magnificent happens.
In this sense, they show us how to live. How the barometer you have is your heart. How when you spot your flower, you can’t let anything get in your way” .
In the life search for the sense of your existence & the chasing of phantoms, they will appear as this orchid did last night to me. The secret is to look harder & never give up, but the thing is that u won't know if u're prepared to face them -both, the sense & the ghosts-. Great lessons usually come from “simply” things.
* Adaptation, 2002. Streep, Cage.
sábado, septiembre 13, 2008
...La libertad es incompatible con el amor... un amante es siempre un esclavo...
miércoles, septiembre 10, 2008
when nothing is left to offer, but the soul with all the heart
martes, septiembre 09, 2008
S. -…I don't know what you do in these situations, what you're supposed to say. It's the first time. But I think I'm in love with you-.
E. -…it's awfully sweet of you. And even though I don't know you, I like you. But... I'm not in love with you-.
S. -I don't care. I'll wait.
E. -For what?
* Nuovo Cinema Paradiso. 1988.