miércoles, septiembre 17, 2008

My ghost orchid

" Should one be lucky enough to see a ghost orchid... all else will seem eclipsed.."
-If the ghost orchid was really a phantom it was such a bewitching one
that could seduce people to pursue it, year after year...-

The black orchid

“...every one of these flowers has a specific relationship with the insect that pollinates it. There's a certain orchid looks exactly like this certain insect. So the insect is drawn to this flower… its double, its soul mate… and wants nothing more than to make love to it.

After the insect flies off, it spots another soul-mate flower and makes love to it, thus pollinating it. And neither the flower nor the insect will ever understand the significance of their lovemaking. How could they know that because of their little dance, the world lives?. But it does. By simply doing what they’re designed to do something large and magnificent happens.

In this sense, they show us how to live. How the barometer you have is your heart. How when you spot your flower, you can’t let anything get in your way” .

In the life search for the sense of your existence & the chasing of phantoms, they will appear as this orchid did last night to me. The secret is to look harder & never give up, but the thing is that u won't know if u're prepared to face them -both, the sense & the ghosts-. Great lessons usually come from “simply things.

* Adaptation, 2002. Streep, Cage.

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